Essential Ear Care-OnLine
CourseThe ultimate ear care course for frontline health workers. You CAN provide better care for EARS! 6 learning hours, 1 month access. Learn how to; safely look into ears, use an otoscope, manage wax, recognise common conditions and how to solve them.
EME Community
CommunityUnique support and live Q&A sessions for EME students to come to while learning with us. Get answers & solutions, share challenges & celebrations, pass on useful advice, give feedback and connect!
$20 / month with 33 day free trial
The EME Resource Library
CourseA library of all things EARS! in the making... Posters, pamphlet masters to photocopy, fact sheets, articles, blogs and case studies will be added to create Do copy & pass on to many - our mission is for EVERYONE TO HAVE HEALTHY EARS!